1. Fresh ginger tea
- grate or slice a small piece of peeled ginger root. Pour boiled water over it and leave to brew for around 10 minutes.
2. Fruit tea
- flavoursome fruit tea is a good low-calorie option. There are dozens of different teabags and loose tea blends available.
3. Fresh mint tea
- a great palate cleanser and has traditionally been used to aid digestion.
- Wash and tear up a handful of mint leaves, add to a small teapot and top up with boiling water.
4. Hot chocolate
- For a heart-healthy version, mix unsweetened cocoa powder with hot low-fat milk and low-calorie sweetener
5. Coffee
- Sprinkle ground cinnamon on your cappuccino for sweetness without the extra calories.
6. Hot lemon
- Hot water and lemon makes a good alternative to sugar-laden drinks such as lemonade
7. Green tea
- green tea is still a healthier alternative to drinks that are high in sugar and fat.
- Make your own latte with hot low-fat milk whisked with pure matcha powder.
8. Chai
- Chai is a tea made by brewing black tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices.
- add boiling water to a chai teabag and top up with warm low-fat milk to keep the saturated fat down.