Signs that the body needs detoxification

 1. You crave sugar often.

- Doing a detox and focusing on whole, clean food sources will get those hormones back on track by providing your body with the nutrients that are currently lacking.

2. You have digestive distress.

- Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and gas are not only uncomfortable; they're the last things that should be happening 

 3. You eat healthy but don't feel healthy.

- Toxins that build up over time and contribute to health problems.

 4. Your skin isn't clear.

- your skin is also responsible for eliminating waste through sweat, all those problems can creep up to the surface in the form of acne, rashes

 5. You are constantly fatigued.

- toxin buildup, stress, inflammation, or microbiome imbalances

 6. You feel foggy.

-  A detox can start to flush out toxins to relieve the inflammatory oxidative stress in the hypothalamus of the brain 

 7. You are experiencing regular joint pain.

-  If you are constantly sore, stiff, if you aren’t pushing yourself at the gym—it's a big red flag for inflammation.

 8. You're constantly stressed.

- Sometimes you just need to put outside stimuli on mute and recharge your mental state.

 9. Your hormones are out of whack.

- Each of these hormonal issues can be traced back to chronic inflammation, which can be due to toxins and other inflammatory foods in your diet.

 10. Your sleep patterns are messed up.

- You’ll be getting your full eight hours in no time once you’ve started to bring your inflammation and toxin levels down.

 11. You are depressed and anxious.

-  When you start to decrease inflammation by cutting things out of your diet you may find that you start to feel a sense of calm.

12. You smell.
- Excessive BO and bad breath are sure signs toxins have reached an unhealthy level.