Amazing memories with delicious food

Walnuts: Anti-Destruction

According to previous studies, consumption of walnut foods reduced the degradation process in the rat's brain. Walnut diets delay the aging process, break down the brain and, as a result, strengthen information processing. Walnuts have high levels of antioxidants, which, according to some researchers, lead to the loss of the effects of free radicals on cellular DNA.

Carrot; anti-inflammation

The carrots have long been considered useful for the eye, but now it's known that eating carrots for the brain is also good. Carrots contain large amounts of a combination of "luteolin" that reduces inflammation and degradation of memory cells.

Strawberries and celery: the source of vitamins

The berries are rich in vitamins for the brain, a study conducted among some middle-aged people with mild memory problems, suggests an increase in learning and the ability to remind people who have been drunk for 12 weeks. In these people, the symptoms of depression were also reduced.

Fish: anti-forgetfulness

Although new research suggests that fish oil-based foods do not have a boost to the memory of people with Alzheimer's, other studies suggest that eating fish meat including omega-3 may reduce the decline in reciprocal memory.

Spinach: Anti-laziness

It seems that the mother's usual saying that "spinach eating" is on the pages of scientific books. Green vegetables contain vitamin C and A, which helps to strengthen memory.