Eat this magical food every day

Yogurt has many properties that its daily eating helps regulate the gut, increases digestive system health and helps fight germs.When antibiotics are used, yogurt acts as an antidote and should be in your diet as long as antibiotics are consumed.Although antibiotics kill the bacteria during illness, bacteria can also be destroyed. So, if you want to be careful about the side effects of antibiotics, do not forget about yogurt because it compensates for the loss of 

beneficial bacteria.Yogurt plays a role in the production of vitamin B. Our body produces most of its vitamins, but among them, vitamins B and C are produced by the chemical processes in the intestines.Therefore, those who regularly eat yogurt help the production of vitamin B in their digestive system.Yogurt adjusts your blood glucose. In addition, yogurt is slowly absorbed by the intestines and glucose is slowly increasing after eating it, which is why ours is effective in keeping the blood sugar in balance.Yogurt is a natural barrier to disease. Yogurt is one of the best foods for lactic acid. Lactic acid prevents the production of cancer cells by creating an acidic environment in the digestive system, and improves the immune system's performance.In fact, yogurt is the best ingredient in improving the immune system's performance. Lactic acid in yogurt has important implications for the prevention of cancer, infectious and contagious diseases, intestinal diseases 

and asthma. The daily and regular use of new yogurt increases the positive effects of this nutrient. Helps digest food. Lactobacillus bulgarosis is a bacterium that makes the gut movements faster and more regular and can not be found in any other food other than yogurt. Also, lactic acid contained in yogurt destroys harmful bacteria in the digestive system and prevents diseases such as diarrhea and contributes to the overall health of the digestive system and digestive system.