Fatigue: Unusual fatigue is one of the main symptoms that indicates an impending heart attack. Women are more likely to report this type of symptom than men.
Abdominal pain:Abdominal pains before a heart attack have an episodic nature, easing and then returning for short periods of time. Physical tension might worsen upset stomach pains.
Insomnia:Description: Symptoms include difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, and early-morning awakening.
Shortness of breath:Description: Feeling like you can’t get enough air, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
Hair loss:Description: Pay close attention to losing hair from the crown of your head.
Irregular heartbeat:Description: The irregular heartbeat lasts for 1-2 minutes. If it doesn’t fade, you might feel dizziness and extreme fatigue.
Excessive perspiration: Description: Flu-like symptoms, clammy skin, or sweatiness occurring regardless of air temperature or physical exertion
Chest pain: Chest pain can expand to uncomfortable sensations in one or both arms, the lower jaw, neck, shoulders, or stomach.